Thanks for being at the shows, for sharing my dream and for all of your inspiring words of support. Knowing I'm reaching you in a some kind of positive way makes all of the years, the highway miles and the songwriting make sense. I love what I do and the best feeling is knowing it reaches your soul. Thank-you!
To provide another option for fans who want to help support my journey, you can now donate directly to help with all of my hard costs to bring you new material live, studio tracks and the inevitable costs for traveling and lodging.
I understand that we are all living in very uncertain times and we all have different monetary situations. If you are fan and want to show your support through a donation - there are 3 ways to donate. Please know that every dollar donated goes to help with hard and hidden costs to bring you live performances and new works. Thank-you in advance.
Michael Gabriel Iacobucci
Profile: Michael-Gabriel-49
Profile: $michaelgabrielmusic